While I endeavour to provide helpful information here, I cannot be responsible for information given by external services. Please exercise caution when researching online.
If you know of any resources that others may benefit from please drop me a message for consideration.
For All:
Therapist Directories:
As much as I hope I am the right therapist for you or your child I appreciate this will not always be the case. Hopefully these resources can help in that event:
Right to Choose:
The NHS offer a right to choose (RTC) pathway for assessment of ADHD and Autism Spectrum Condition (sometimes called ASC/ ASD) or combined.
It can often be a faster route towards diagnosis than via CAMHS and cheaper than via private assessment:
You can find more information regarding this here: www.adhduk.co.uk/right-to-choose
The process involves:
⦁ Choosing an appropriate provider
⦁ Using their referral process, usually a form to provide the GP
⦁ Booking and attending a GP appointment, they then forward on their referral
⦁ Assessment then happens via the service provider
Please note, my inclusion of this information is not because I personally believe neurological difference needs to be pathologised or diagnosed, instead because I understand for some clients it brings clarity, understanding and a route towards further support or resources.
For Parents:
Sendiass: (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service) Nationwide support for young people with additional needs in education.
The nearest service to my counselling office is: www.hampshiresendiass.co.uk
Your local authority (LA) will also have a wealth of information and support services available in your area. For example:
Applying for an Education, Healthcare Plan:
Resources for adults supporting young people gender exploration and expression:
General information and advice for Autistic Young People:
Autism Hampshire
Some helpful tip for parents of teenagers with ADHD:
Children and Teenagers with Torettes:
An overview of Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) including dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia and dyspraxia:
For Adults:
General information and support for Autistic Adult and families:
Social groups-
ADHD information and support:
Resources for those with Tourettes:
An overview of Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) including dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia and dyspraxia:
© Claire Crampton
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